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SICC Participated in ICSCRM 2022

The International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM) is a high-level international conference series on Silicon Carbide and related materials & devices, which focus on both industrial and academic fields. On September 16, ICSCRM 2022 successfully ended in Davos, Switzerland. SICC representatives attended the conference and made a report on the latest R&D progress of 8-inch SiC substrate.

 (The Raman Spectra Inspection Report)

Substrate diameter is one of the key indicators to define the level of crystal preparation. SICC is one of the earliest enterprises in China who arranged the R&D and industrialization of 8-inch product. At present, the R&D of 8-inch SiC substrate is progressing smoothly with stable crystal form and good crystal quality.

Different from the Silicon single crystal which can expand the diameter during growth, the SiC Substrate requires large size seed wafer before diameter expansion, besides, the defects and stress distribution must be strictly controlled. SICC has achieved that the technology of whole process of seed fabrication, SiC powder preparation, thermal field design, process curing, process control and wafering inspection are controlled independently.

SICC will keep working on the industrialization of 8-inch N-type substrate. Based on the successful R&D of 8-inch product through independent diameter expansion, SICC will continue the breakthrough on technology and process, and actively lay out industrialization according to market demand.

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